A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series) Page 2
When class ended Asura looked at her sister and walked out of the room with the others to the garden to play and relax. Sera stayed behind to talk to Amerus and approached him from the other side of the table, her fingers sweeping along the smooth surface. "Amerus, did the Sythian's really start the war? “She asked her blue eyes taking him in. Such a question from someone so young surprised the old man causing him to grimace lightly. "History is written by the victor, young one. We will never know who started the conflict but we know that it still wages on in our time". Amerus placed his hand on her shoulder and walked out of the room, leaving her pondering the carefully put words.
The sun was shining outside when Sera stepped out causing her eyes to ache from its brightness. Before her was the large marble courtyard filled with rushing fountains and colorful flowers. Stepping down the steps Sera saw her sister sitting with Talos, whispering secretly. It puzzled her at that age why the two of them spent so much time together. Jumping down the steps she walked up to the nearby fountain that was a woman holding a pitcher, pouring into the lower fountain. Sitting on the side of the stone she gazed down at the water at her reflection. Feeling a slight jolt of a hand pushing her forward she swallowed in a breath as she fell into the water. The young girl didn't realize that she was being held down until she couldn't rise. She heard running feet and with her arms waving she finally caught her breath. Emrick was standing over her, his eyes narrowed.
"You know I should report you to the knights. They say that if you do not drown you are a witch. “He said in a low voice and turned and ran off into the garden hedge maze, leaving the others baffled. There were no adults around to tell of Emrick's behavior. Calus, his golden ponytail moving against his shoulder placed a hand on her arm lightly. "Are you alright?"He asked frowning a bit. Seras nodded her head, but knew that Emrick hated her but she did not know why. If she knew then the lengths that Emrick would go to destroy her she would have been wearier of his machinations.
The next few days lessons continued and the afternoons were unusually warm. The trying lessons and training were to be rewarded when the Festes Festival was underway later that day. Since the day at the fountain Sera has avoided Emrick the best she could. She couldn’t all together hide from him as they rode down to the village to take in the festivities as was tradition of the Northern Territory. The festival of Festes was to celebrate the creation of the Gorgothian Knights that protected the land. The village people had prepared things for the large celebration. The men had swept out the streets and the women had set about washing the windows till they shined with the morning sun. Men with carts and wire brushes were sweeping and scrubbing down the cobblestone for the large parade that would commence. Sera, her sister, and the other protectors were placed on horses to be part of the procession. She felt a fearful twinge in her stomach. This would be the first time she would be in the parade since the festival was only every ten years for reasons she did not know. When the time came she sat upon a white mare nervously tugging at the front of her dress as she sat side saddle. The dress she was wearing was unusually colorful due to the festivities. She was garbed in a forest green gown that tied in the back with a cream under dress. Her long golden hair was braided in its usual fashion, but woven with ribbons. Sera wiggled in her saddle having to ride it side saddle that was uncomfortable and made her bottom itch. Looking over at her twin she marveled at how she could sit still with pose even at their young age. To Sera’s bemusement her sister, Asura looked quite natural upon her honey colored mare, her eyes forward and calmed. This was always the difference between the two sister were their temperaments. Shifting slightly in her seat she looked out at the crowd on either side of the cobblestone street who were cheering and waving the flags of the four territories. Confetti fell from the upper windows of homes and shops and music could be heard from miles from the band. The senior officers of the Gorgothian Knights had the honor of being part of the procession. The others stood on each side of the street in strict formation, but had the luxury of watching the others go by.
The knights were garbed in their shining silver armor with a red embroidered shirt and woven black pants under it. The sword issued to them hung at their sides glinting in the sunlight. Captain Lucrus was standing among the new recruits, branding a nasty scar along his jaw from the war. Being hailed as a war hero he was rewarded with training the next generation of warriors. Standing at his side was his most promising soldiers. At the age of thirteen in the youth recruit program, Dominic Cain was at the top of his class and most obedient member of their close knit warrior community. Even King Damon had made the young boy part of his court, impressed by his maturity and won over by his flattery. The dark haired looking young man was watching the parade as his superiors passed with an unreadable expression on his face. The older man watched the boy always uncertain what was going through his mind. His eyes flitted to those passing and a smile split over his lips. “Look boy, it’s the Stone Protectors come all the way from the great Hall of Clothos” he said and raised his gloved hand and pointed to the children on the horses. Dominic turned his head and looked at the group with mild, polite interest. This expression was unchanged until he saw the dark blue eyed girl on the white mount. Though the girl next to her on the horse was identical it was the dark eyes that interest him. The thirteen years old boy was quiet as they passed then spoken in a serious, calm tone of voice? “Captain, who is that girl, the one with the dark blue eyes? “He asked, the sound of awe creeping into his voice. The captain couldn’t help but chuckle at the boy’s reaction his shoulders shook a bit under the metal armor. “That girl you so admire is Lady Sera. She is the Protector of the special stone of Healing. When she is older she will draw the power from it and help us” he replied wistfully. The young man seemed to be pondering this, rolling this information over in his mind as he stood there. “Someday when I become a man of honor I will make that girl my wife” he said with firm sureness. Such words would be usually treated as fancies of a young boy, but the look on Dominic’s face was that of a determined adult. “You have many years to make that so” The captain said calmly, patting the boy’s shoulder.
2. Spark
Sera hopped around the room she shared with her sister, her body hunched over and her head tilted to the side. Huffing loudly she rolled her neck to try to get her long braid from her face as she searched for her shoe. It was permissible when she was a child to be late for class, but ten years and one day has passed since the celebration had come. Now at the age of nineteen not much has changed in her personality. Asura stood in the doorway and rolled her eyes behind her sister’s back. “You can borrow a pair of mine. You are going to be late with your one on one time with Amerus and even in his advanced age he only has so much patience” she stated. A smile spread across Sera’s face as she turned on one foot and looked at her sister, almost losing her balance. “Do I look alright?” she asked and lowered her raised foot. She was dressed in a rose pink tunic and long skirt. Now that she is studying in her own right she had more open options for dressing. “You look fine! Honestly if I didn’t know you were dressing for a certain someone I would think you were crazy” she said with a note of teasing in her voice. It was common knowledge that Calus was courting her to be his future mate; they had grown very close for a few years now. Asura sighed and turned on her heels, her purple gown swishing around her as she led her sister down the stairs to the main atrium. Amerus was sitting waiting for her, over the years he hadn’t changed much, but his eyes were filled with weariness and tiredness. Waving his hand for her to sit down across from him. “Today you will be turning your lessons into actions. Instead you will be going village to use your art of healing to care for the sick” he said knowing that this was a good opportunity for the young woman to be able to not only practice her skills, but to also get to know the people she is protecting. This sent a strange tingle of excitement through her at the thought of going out by herself and proving herself. Up to now it was still all lot of stud
ying and learning, but now she would be doing things by her own merit. When dismissed she left the atrium to see Calus standing on the other side, the sunlight is glistening on his golden hair. He was dressed in the military issue uniform of those of a knight, but his cloak was black instead of the usual red. He was staring up at the painted vaulted ceiling, the shadows playing against the battled hardened face. It made her chest flutter as she stood taking him in silently. For a moment she forgot herself imagining herself in his strong arms. Clearing her throat she drew his attention to her presence. He blinked as if waking from a dream, his eyes glazed and unfocused for a moment. She wondered with amusement how he survived on the battlefield. Of course she never saw him on the battlefield and hoped to never see him shed blood in war, still seeing that shy and awkward boy he used to be. Even now she could see the playfulness in his eyes at catching her seeing him absolutely caught off guard. Letting out a slight cough a sheepish smile his friendly brown eyes looked at her with great affection. “Sera, Where are you off to today? Don’t you usually have a class with Amerus?” he asked as she crossed the marble floor to meet him. “I did, but he is instead sending me into the village to use my healing skills on those in needs” she said unashamed of the pride that seeped into her words. Calus raised a hand and rubbed the side of his hair and nodded his head “Well enjoy your trip” he said looking like he was suppressing a yawn like a little boy. It took all the power of her being to not giggle. He seemed to notice the curve of her lips and shook his head a little and before she knew it he swept a strong arm around her waist with great gentleness. Sera could feel his muscular arms, bare of adornments at the moment made her quiver a little in excitement. Her gaze met his with warmth as he leaned in to kiss her. She could feel his warmth breath against her cheek. “Come back soon my little Sparrow” he whispered and pulled back instead of completing what he meant to do. As he walked away she felt disappointed rising in her and a deep frown changing her mood. For a moment she just stood there watching his retreating form wanting to call him back to her, but she knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. Biting at the corner of her lower lip she turned on her heels scuffing the marble and left heading for village.
The village would be considered typical with its thatch roofed houses and widespread marketplace. This one was blessedly protected by the Gogathon Knights and had clean drinking water from the river of Tythes that fell off the Dragus Falls. The fields brought in corn and wheat well each house had a garden of its own for fresh produces. It was the most prosperous in the Northern Territory. Walking into the bustling marketplace the scents and sights assaulted her senses making her a bit giddy and comfortable at the same time. Walking down the cobblestone street she already saw the people getting ready for the celebration tomorrow. Down the street was the House of Healing that was her destination.
A screech filled the air nearly deafening her as she raised her eyes to the sky. The once sunny sky was now dark cloud, and the wind had picked up. Sera had no idea how the weather could suddenly change so rapidly, but what happened next would almost brought her to her knees. From above leathery wings dove down and picked one of the men in front of the shops and carried him off the ground then dropping him on the roof of one of the houses. A nearby woman screamed as one of her cattle that had been grazing in the pen had been torn to pieces by the creature. Sera took refuge behind a cart and beheld the terrifying scene. These creatures were the Sythians of legend. Their futures and physicality was humanoid, but they had long bat-like wings attached to their lower back and mouths filled with sharp canines. There were only a handful of them flying around dressed in tunics both male and female. The chaos caused her head to hurt, her eyes unfocused as she looked over the top of the cart. The sound was deafening as she felt helplessly trapped in something her mind could barely comprehend. She closed her eyes for a moment, her golden brow knitting together. In vain she tried to imagine herself to be somewhere else, anywhere else as these creatures swooped down in what seemed like bloody vengeance of sorts. When she felt that she couldn’t take anymore and at any moment she would be discovered and gutted she heard new sounds of heavy hooves and crossbows letting lose lithe arrows. Forcing her eyes open she placed her hand on the cart, bracing it, willing herself to stand up. She rose form crouched position and found herself face to face with one of the Sythians crouched on the cart looking right back at her with amber colored eyes. Despite the fear that was rising in her chest she took a millisecond to notice that the creature looked exactly like a human with noticeable variations. The face was angular with high cheek bones and thin eyebrows. The eyes were golden with a predator look about them. Dressed in a toga they had a long tail coming from the base of their spines that curled around their clawed feet. The most awe inspiring part of their physique was the long bat like wings, the stretched skin grafted against the almost visible bones underneath. This being was female as it crouched on the cart looking back at her, lips parted in an antagonizing snarl. Sera looked back knowing that any moment she was going to be torn apart by the razor sharp nails on the creature’s hands, her bones crunching under the fanged teeth. Her shoulders hunched in anticipation as the Sythian brought its arm back, fingers splayed to strike. The strike would never come. Instead an arrow flew through the air striking the beast in the chest causing it to fall back and off the cart. Sera stood frozen in her spot as she watched it happen.
“That was a bit too close for comfort, wouldn’t you say?” a deep melodic voice spoke behind her. The one who spoke was standing a few feet behind her, breath warm against the nape of her neck causing her to shiver deliciously. She realized quickly that it wasn’t a voice she recognized which gave her pause. Turning she found herself looking up at a solider, no a knight. The man stood a foot taller than her with a lean muscular build visible even in his heavy armor. She found herself unable to draw breath as she found herself staring into his face. His face was thin, with high cheek bones and a slender nose. His lips were thin but sensual that accented his features perfectly. What set him apart from other handsome men were his smoldering blue eyes. The way he looked at her was what she could liken to the Sythian, almost predatory in his gaze. Sera knew this should frighten her, but this was the man who fired the shot to save her life. “Are you alright?” he asked cocking his head to the side causing strands of his dark hair to fall against his cheek. His hair was cut short in the back with a few long strands to grace his hardened features. His question pulled her out of her stupor as she opened her mouth to speak. “Yes” was the only response she could croak out in her shock. Reached out he grabbed her hand and held it in his own. “My name is Dominic. I am a member of the knighthood” he told her in his rumbling voice. Sera had naturally figured that out by his armor, but his words gave more weight to it. “My name is Sera. I am the Protector of the Stone of Healing. I came to the village to hone my skills” she replied unable to draw her gaze from his. “Well, Sera I think your skills will be well needed now. I came at the right moment to save you” he said with a dry chuckle that seemed strange to her. Did this massacre amuse him? Looking around she saw the bodies of the Sythian lying on the cobblestone in disarray. There were injured villagers, but she didn’t see blessedly any dead. Letting out a breath she turned her head and looked at him and slowly lowered her hand from his grasp. “Then I have work to do. Thank you, Dominic. I wish there was a way I could repay you” she told him as she started to back up from him. Realizing she had let go of his gloved hand he felt disappointment rising in him. Finally he had found her after all of these years, when serendipity worked in his favor and he was already losing her. He knew he couldn’t let that happen. “Of course you have no need to thank me. It is my duty to help those in need against our enemy” he found himself spewing the words that came from the years and years of vigorous training. Keeping down his jittering nerves he locked gaze with her realizing how big her blue eyes, so innocent. Strangely this gave him the confidence to continue. “I hope I get to see you again and partake in yo
ur company in a quieter situation” he said attempting to sound humble. Seeing her cheeks reddening gave him a satisfaction that almost had him groaning in anticipation. “Excuse me, but doesn’t a solider thrive in the battlefield, and fret when in moments of quiet reflection?” her reply came that caught him a great solider off guard. He was absolutely baffled by her turn of phrase not used to women being witty in his company. He reflected that this was a quality that was amusing in young maids, but would be ironed out and stopped when they became wives. For the moment he would take enjoyment of it. “Yes, that may be true the battlefield is when a solider appreciates those moment where he can banter with a beautiful woman” he countered giving a smile. He remembered the vow he had made out loud to the captain and to himself that he would have this woman someday. Dominic again swore to himself he would fulfill this. There was nothing in his life that he has wanted that he has not taken. As a solider he tore through the masses, monster and human alike without blinking an eye. Even in his personal life he took what he felt her deserved and dealt with the consequences swiftly and without mercy. For now he would let her walk away and go about her task of being a healer. The time would come when her attention was his and his alone. Smiling to himself he watched as she helped get the wounded into the house of healing.