A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series) Page 4
A huge banquet was held in their honor of this wonderful day. Suckling pigs had been roasted earlier that morning. Fish, muscles, and clams were shipped in from the ocean. Water fowl and other birds were caught and cooked with delicious spices. The bride and groom were sitting at the high table looking like a perfect couple. The knights were sitting around eating and chatting happily feeling relieved to have a moment away from battles. The mood was jovial and light. The children of the soldiers were sitting in a circle by the roaring fire as one of the knights; Markus was telling the children stories that made them giggle happily. Physically he bore a striking similarity between himself and his younger brother Dominic, but he was warm well his little brother was more stoic. There were rumors took being passed up for Captain in stride, though everyone thought that the elder would get the job instead of the younger. The older brother was married to a kind woman named Lonia who gave him two young sons and a daughter, and was soon to give birth to another child. Markus was pleased that his brother found a wife for himself, but was none the less surprised by it. Dominic was known for his womanizing ways since he first came into manhood, but there is a time in every man’s life when they have to settle down he reasoned. He had a sneaking suspicion though that his little brother wouldn’t change his ways. Shaking his head he looked down at the children waiting for him on baited breath for him to continue the story. Dominic was sitting draining his goblet as he smiled at his friends and allies, feeling very confident with his new bride at his side. The newly appointed captain looked at his new wife and gave her a smile. Sera looked upon Dominic with her navy blue eyes, unable to believe that she was the bride of the handsome captain. Her new sister-in-law, Lonia was very kind and welcoming to her. Lonia was sitting at a few people down with her three year old daughter, Kora on her lap, fussing a bit. Sera watched her with the toddler imagining herself with her own child on her knee, and turned her head looking at Dominic who was pouring himself more wine. After the revelry died down Sera stretched and got out of her chair, Dominic by then was standing by the fireplace with some of his brethren tossing dice. In a daze she knew that when she walked into her bridal chambers she would not be sleeping alone. She knew she would have to walk this road alone. Feeling her feet heavy on the ground she walked through the double doors of the great hall, and made her way down the hall. Sera knew that her new husband’s friends would bring him in when he was well ready to consummate their marriage. Upon entering her chambers she felt a chill creeping through her. Shaking it off, undoing the sash of her gown and placed it on a nearby chair. Undressing she walked to the bathroom leaving her clothing laying on the floor planning on picking them up later. The great cathedral was resurrected by the king and had many rooms that boarded monks, soldiers, and visiting dignitaries during special events. The bathroom was fully furnished with an oak bathing basin in the center of the room. Copper pipes laid under the stone foundation that tapped into a hot spring under the ground giving them hot water. Crossing the bathroom into the center she admired the tiling on the wall that climbed almost up to the vaulted ceiling. The room was circular with a stain glassed window of an armored angel with a yellow backdrop. Sera filled the tub to the top and blended some rose oil in it to make her skin fragrant. She washed her body free of the sweat and nerves of the wedding procession away. Sitting there she stared at the stain glass mirror in front of her, the amulet hanging between her breasts. “I will not let my nerves get the best of me.” She told herself firmly as she squeezed the sea sponge between her hands, the water dripping over her stomach. Knowing that she could not stew in the tub all night she forced herself to her feet feeling the cold of the room. Shaking it off she reminded herself that she is the Guardian of the Stone of Healing and would not let her childish fears overtake her. He saved her life, asked her to marry him. It wasn’t like it had been arranged by some uncaring parents or she was kidnapped and forced to marry. She had agreed to become his bride. Telling herself these things over and over she dried herself off and padded back into the bedroom. Soon her new husband would be coming in later after he finished drinking with his friends. Lying down upon the bed she closed her eyes and drifted off into a light sleep.
Dominic stepped into the chambers of his room; he was wearing only his breeches since he lost the rest of his clothing, including his best boots in a round of dice. Looking down at the sleeping angel on the bed a smile crept to his lips. She had the covers draped over her body, her bare chest and arms peek-a-booing from the top. A part of him didn’t want to disturb her slumber, but the ache in his breeches reminded him his right as her husband. This wasn’t the first time he has deflowered a virgin before, he had many times enjoyed the spoils of the battlefield and looked into the faces of fathers who thrust their daughters at him in hopes that their own lives would be spared. This situation was different though. The girl laying in such relaxed slumber is his lawful wife. Reaching out his fingertips caressed her soft skin with the back of his fingertips. “Wake up, my beautiful bride.” He said softly as he gazed down on her face.
Sera’s eyes fluttered open and found her gaze meeting that of Captain Dominic. The color rose in her cheeks as she let out a soft breath, drinking in his handsome face. “I must have fallen asleep” she said drowsily, stifling a little yawn. He leaned down and brushed his lips to hers, his fingertips slowly moving to touch her sides. Her fingers came up and caressed his chiseled cheek and smiled softly. Reaching out he grasped the sheets covering her body and slowly slid it over her skin, his eyes not leaving hers. Sera shivered despite there being a warm fire in the hearth. Sliding back he undid the lace of his breeches and slid them down, giving her the first look at his nude form. His calves and thighs were toned from the rigors of training and battle. His cock was hard between his legs with a bead of pre-cum clinging to the tip. The mixture of drink and seeing her laying there had aroused him beyond measure. It was difficult for him to control himself gazing at her on the bed. Sera stared at his body fully and felt her breath catch in her throat. Not wanting to seem too eager she took her time to study every inch of his athletic, but somewhat scarred skin. He had a few knick, evidence of battle. She could see the want in his eyes and knew that he was trying to hold himself back. Stretching out she opened her arms out to welcome him. He easily nestled himself between her slightly opened legs and raised one of her legs smoothly, his hand stroking the underside of it gently. Leaning forward he eased his hardness into her body, taking her virginity without hesitation. Sera’s brow knit at the ache that took a toll through her. Her sister had warned her that a woman’s first time can be very painful, but it would pass and never be experienced again. Dominic held her leg and bent his face down to nuzzle her tears away. “It’s alright my little dove” he murmured. Feeling the slight pain pass she opened her eyes and looked up at her husband. He smiled at her and started to rock his hips, easing himself deeper in her body, causing her to feel a strange sensation. With each thrust she felt her own body relaxing, filled with a delicious feeling she could not describe. He laid a soft kiss upon her throat then drew one of her pert rose-colored nipples into his mouth. It filled her with an incredible sensation causing her to cry out. His mouth and touch made her to well up with warmth all over. Dominic rolled his hips against hers easing himself, deeper, and deeper. Sera felt that it must be madness as it went on and on leaving her dizzy and delirium with the new sensations he was giving her. Dominic groaned and arched his back as his climax hit him, emptying himself within her. Letting out a deep breath he laid his face against her neck. Sera lay under him catching her breath slowly as he climbed off of her and collapsed at her side, after a moment she heard his soft snoring. Laying there she stared up at the ceiling unsure what to do with herself now. Sitting up she turned her legs facing the edge of the bed. It was the first time she experienced the ache in her muscles and saw the blood on her thighs. Forcing herself to a standing position she walked to the bath, mustering all the strength she had left. Sera quickly cleaned herself up a
nd slipped into a nightgown and slid under the covers with him, pulling the covers over her body shivering. The fire had died down by then leaving coolness in the large bedroom. The lit candles were the only illumination she has. The amulet that her sister had given her still hung between her bare breasts, a habit she would not part from.
The next day Dominic and his soldiers rode off on campaign leaving Sera to take in her new surroundings. The Golgothian Knights lived in the Catacian Complex. It was a sprawling building with high towers and courtyards in the middle, the white marble gleaming when the sun rose. It was the home of the knights and their family. Sera had woken up to find that her new husband was gone, but knew she should of expected it. Rising from her bed she felt the ache all over her body and saw the droplets of blood on the sheets. Blinking away the sleep from her eye she swung her legs around and placed her bare feet on the floor. The door opened and a girl about fifteen stepped in wearing a very simple brown dress, her hair pulled back in a braid.
“Miss I am sorry to interrupt your rest. My name is Marie. I’m your maid and I will help you if you need anything.” She said her brown eyes lowered in respect. Sera looked at the girl and stretched a bit. “Can you draw me a bath, please?” she asked in reply. Marie nodded her head and hurried to the bath and started to fill it with warm water. “The Captain is a handsome man. You’re so lucky to be married to him” The young maid said as she put rose and lavender oil. Sera were surprised by the tone the maid spoke about her new husband, though it could be an innocent comment. She didn’t know why she had a strange nagging feeling in her gut. Casting it aside she walked to the bath and studied Marie’s shining face and polite smile. “Yes he is” Sera said softly now standing next to the bathtub. Marie reached over and turned off the facet. “He is very popular among the girls in the home. Out of all of the knights he is a devil with an angel’s face” Marie said and curtsied, leaving the room before Sera could question her further on her cryptic words. Undressing she slid in the water and sat down, feeling her muscles start to relax in the warm water. Leaning back she let her head lull against her chest a bit, her eyes half closed. She wore the amulet her sister gave her around her neck that lightly caressed the top of the water. She started to slip into deep dreams.
A spiraling staircase leading upward toward a grand room. The sunlight glinted through stain glass windows upon the stone steps. At the top of the stairs was a large circular room with a metal staircase in the back. The walls were covered with tapestries and shelves of old leather bound books and scrolls. A roaring fire lay in a white marble fireplace, crackling soothingly. The room had two large arch windows without glass in them. Standing before a long oak desk stood a man. It wasn’t a human man, but a Sythian man. He had pale skin with muscularly beautiful features. He had golden yellow eyes, a slender nose, and his lips thin but full. The man was dressed in a soft white robe the clung to his muscular form. On his back were sprouted midnight black wings that were folded slightly. His head was bowed slightly, eyes half closed with a frown tugging at his lips. He stood before a pile of papers looking miserable. Turning he walked to the window and stared out. The ground below was filled with mutilated bodies of other Sythians. Men, women, and children had been horribly slaughtered by someone. This was the reason for this man’s sorrows.
Sera woke up with a start realizing she fell asleep in the tub. The water was freezing cold by then and her skin was all pruned. The dream had startled her and confused her. It was vivid and real as if she had gone up those stairs and seen this man. Sliding out of the water she quickly toweled off and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Staring at her pale reflection she could have sworn she saw the amulet against her giving off a slight glow. She got dressed and walked down to the high board where lunch had been laid out by the servants. Lamb was roasted with garlic and peppers stew and fresh bread was place out with warm cider and cinnamon sticks to go in it. Sera was surprised to see Markus sitting there leaning back in his chair a bit, his elbows resting on the large table. Upon seeing her he motioned for her to take the seat next to him. Walking over she took a place at his side. “I thought you would be out on campaign with the others” she said, cocking her head to the side slightly. “I decided not to go since my dear Lonia is close to having her baby. The doctor says it will be any day now, and I want to be there to ease her mind.” He replied and gave a relaxed smile. This was highly unorthodox among the men since they usually aren’t even in the room when the blessed event happens. “Choosing to refuse to go on campaign makes me look weak, but I don’t care. Lonia is my angel” he said adamantly as he sat in the chair, a goblet of wine in his hand. Markus would never admit to anyone, not even his wife that he was becoming disenfranchised by battle. He saw no glory in the battlefield anymore. He often didn’t agree with his brother’s methods of torture and he has seen things that he would take to the grave. Sera sipped her drink looking thoughtful. She touched the amulet around her neck lightly and again was reminded of the vivid dream she had. The being in the dream was a Sythian. She knew from the description she has grown up hearing and from her experience at the village. In her wild dreams since she had seen them as being horrible monsters that snatched babies from their cribs. The attack on the village they had been blood hungry creatures. The man she saw in her dream though was beautiful and sad. His emotions had moved her greatly, but she wasn’t even sure if what she saw was real or not. It gave her a lot to think about well her new husband was out on campaign.
Dominic sat on the end of the straw bed in the room where he stayed in the small village of Maladus. It was one of the outposts he visited on the boarders the Western Territory. The Western Territory is where the Sythian, vampires held sway. He felt like it was trying to get rid of ants under a brick. Kill a few and hundred mores scuttle out from the cracks. The thought of it filled him with a deep seated rage. He knew that soon they would capture the eldest of the Sythians, the last royal since their ancient king passed away from the first battle. Once they capture and execute him then he knew that the others would fall. Brena, his lover and mistress lay stirred a little on the bed, spread out like a feline. He stood up and started to get dressed having grown bored with her tonight, perhaps before he went home to the stronghold he would take her again for his amusement. She didn’t wake by the time he opened the door and stepped out. He felt restless wanting to throw himself into the ecstasy of battle. The clash of swords, and the iron of blood filling his nostrils. A smile spread across his lips as he went to saddle up his charger. Taking off in a gallop he brazenly crossed the border that was a field of corpses hoisted up on wooden stakes, impaling them. Slowing his horse he looked around at the dead grass, red from the seeping blood and saw movement in the distance. Getting off the horse he patted the horse’s side and walked slowly toward the sound. Silently he stalked his way until two figures became visible. A Sythian man and a toddling little girl stood at his side. The little girl was just coming into her wings that were folded against her pink dyed toga, her dark hair in a messy ponytail. In her hand she held a raggedy doll that had black hair of yarn and a simple cloth dress. Holding her father’s hand she looked down at the ground, scavenging for small animals to feed off. Since the knights had begun their ruthless display killing all the livestock and animals that thrived in the area, they were forced to leave their territory to feed off humans or starve to atrophy. Not wanting to take the risk some families scavenged for what they can. The small child let go of her father’s hand seeing a small Colter lizard crawling along an ancient log. “Daddy, It’s a lizard!” she cried and hurried after it. Her father gave his child a wistful look, his golden eyes filled with sadness, knowing that a small lizard would not be enough to sustain his small child. If they didn’t find bigger prey then they would go home hungry, and the thought of that broke his heart. Both were not aware of the danger coming their way. Running to the log the little girl she jumped forward and tried to snatch it, but it eluded her finding its way in a hole. She pouted and star
ed at the hole where the lizard had escaped. Slowly she looked up when a shadow cast over her. Looking up her eyes widened at the sight of man in the glistening armor. For a long moment she was rooted to the spot unable to move, fear galvanizing her. Her father had spotted Dominic as well and ran over scooping her up as Dominic raised his sword to cut her down. Grabbing the small child, the male Sythian turned his body and took the blow of the weapon, coming down hard on his back and tearing right through his right wing. Blood sprouted from the wound as he placed her down, his knees shaking badly. “Run my child! Run!” he cried as he fell on all fours. The little girl let out a whimper and looked at her father and turned starting to run through the field. Being too little she has yet to learn to use her wings, leaving them useless against her back. Dominic watched the Sythian running through the tall grass and pulled his sword up and brought it down again, decapitating the man. The toddler hurried through the grass gasping for breath holding the doll in her little hand. Hearing footsteps she foolishly turned and found Dominic was mere feet from her. She let out a cry of fear and dropped the doll to the ground, terror rising, showing in her big golden-yellow eyes. “Hello little one” he said smoothly and raised his sword, dripping with the blood of her father. The girl stared at the man in his armor, looking into his blue piercing eyes. Dominic smiled widely and brought the sword down.