A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series) Read online

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  Sera woke up restless in bed and pulled the sheets off of her form. Getting up her bare feet touched the stone floor. It has been two week since her husband rode off on campaign. She found distractions in the families that lived in the Catacian Complex. Lonia had given birth of to her daughter, a healthy girl named Talia. Having her monthly bleed she found to her dismay that she was not with child. Of course she has not been married long, but she feared that he would die in battle and leave her alone in this strange place. It made her miss her sister and her friends in the Hall of Clothos. The distance between herself and her twin was incredibly difficult. She often thought of Calus who she once had soft feelings toward, but she had made her choice and married Dominic. Sera hoped that soon she would get to see her sister soon. The dream came to her again of the Sythian man who stared out the window in sheer misery. Having overcome the overwhelming fear of the recurring dream she started to wonder about the man. He mostly stared out the window at the macabre landscape that lay below the window. The Sythian often switched his attention from the window to stand by the table in the center of the circular room covered with old tomes. She tried to reach for him in her dream, try to speak to him but she could not. It was as if she was looking in behind a window. It brought out all lot of strong emotions out of her. She reasoned that it was because she was missing her husband, but each time she had the dream she wasn’t sure. Walking across the cold room she made her way to the basin on the table. Pouring the water into the bowl she washed her hands and face lightly. The fire by now was almost out casting the room in darkness. Sera stared down at the clear water lit by the moonlight through the window. Staring down at herself she watched in awe as the water shivered and rippled, transforming into the image of her twin sister. Excitement ran through her, recognizing that it isn’t her own reflection at all. “Sister, I thought I thought I wouldn’t see you for some time” Sera cried happily with fingers curling against the sides of the basin. Asura smiled at her sister, but it did not reach her light blue eyes. “I am glad to see you as well. I feared that I would not get a chance to speak to you” she replied cryptically. This puzzled the healer as she studied the face in the pool. “What do you mean by that?” she questioned, finding the statement odd. It filled her with a sense of palpable dread. Asura sighed audibly and gave a slight shake of her head. “Two nights ago I read the Cards of Fortune and they spelled things to come, things of great misfortune. My question was about you and it warned of great danger. It compelled me to use this mirror of divination here in the Hall of Clothos to seek you out which as you know is forbidden. What relief I feel to see that you are unharmed, but I cannot shake this feeling” her twin, her natural reflection that peered back at her with brow knit with worry. Sera gave a slight shake of her own head. “As you can see I am very well.” She told her, but her words faltered a bit as the shadow of doubt once again unfolded upon her. “How is your marriage to the Captain? Are you happy, sister?” Asura pried itching to find out if the fate her sister had taken were the right ones for her. “I must confess that he is off on campaign. He has been for a week protecting the land from the rising darkness that plagues our land” Sera replied quickly, not wanting to hear the ‘I told you so’ from her twin. From where she stood before the basin she could glimmer a touch of smugness tugging at her sister’s lips. “He will return soon and all will be right again” she added defiantly standing up taller than she was before. “If you are happy then that is all that matters to me sister” The guardian of the stone of wisdom finally conceded, knowing that it was too late to further warn her sister about the man she wedded to. The deed had already been done. This didn’t erase the fear for her sister’s safety though. Sera looked at her older twin wondering if she should ask her about the strange recurring dreams she was having, but she thought that would compound her sister’s concern and compel her to make the long journey here. It was a treacherous path from the high north filled with bandits, cutthroats, and other creatures including Sythians who have spread out their hunting grounds. Instead she saw the wisdom in holding her tongue, feeling that this creature that she kept dreaming of might not be as dangerous as the knights have attested to. “What about you and Talos? How have the both of you been? And Calus as well?”she asked throwing the questions out to her sister to distract her from further asking questions about her personal life. “Talos is well and handsome as always” she reported, the warmth creeping into her words as she spoke fondly of her lover. “As for Calus on the other hand I don’t see much of him which is a shame. He is always with Amerus, thrusting himself in his studies. I think he is still heartbroken over you married the captain over him” she continued, not holding back on her tone of continual disapproval. “I wasn’t given much of a choice,but I am willing to accept what may come”Sera said wistfully as she looked at her sister in the reflection. “I hope that is so, my dear sister” Asura replied sadly. Before another word could be spoken the water rippled as the power that connected them in the reflecting basin had loosened its grip. Unable to stifle a sigh she returned to her bed and laid down not sure if she could forget the prediction that the cards her sister had drawn. If there was indeed danger on the horizon she would have to face in with strength and humility. Laying back she closed her eyes, her arms tucked behind her golden halo of hair, drifting into uneasy sleep.

  A week later, Dominic and his men returned to Catacian Complex. To everyone’s surprise the captain had brought a woman with him, his lover from Maladus, named Brena. Everyone but Asura knew that this woman was one of Dominic’s many light skirts. Sera ran out hearing the trumpets blasting signifying their return. She didn’t think anything of the girl on the back of the horse, not noticing how she clung to her husband possessively.

  “Dominic I am happy to see you, my dear husband” she said cheerfully. Dominic smiled widely pleased that his wife had come out to greet him as she should. He slid off the horse and reached out and took her hands in his own, then pulled her into his arms kissing her deeply. Sera returned the kiss feeling the color rising in her cheeks. The captain turned and helped the girl off the horse and then looked at his wife. “This is Brena. She will be your new maid. I feel that Marie is lazy and doesn’t know her place.” He announced as if this was some great gift to his wife. Sera didn’t feel that the maid was lazy, but said nothing. She looked at the girl who looked a few years younger than her as she curtsied and softly murmured a greeting. “Welcome to the Catacian Complex. I am quite new here myself so we should stick together” she said warmly, having no suspicions about the motives of her husband. Brena gave her new mistress a sulking look when she wasn’t looking. It wasn’t her plan to become the serving of the woman who had stolen the love of her life. She planned in making it very difficult on the other woman. Brena knew about the reputation that the Protector of the Stones had with their magical abilities and sorcery. The rumors in her small village were like a wild fire. The Protectors before them had kept the Sythians at bay, but at what cost? She felt that the healer, Asura who had stolen Dominic’s heart must have used her magic to do so. That meek woman that she stared with resentment couldn’t possibly be his beloved. Smiling to herself she knew that Dominic would come to her bed once he got bored of his new wife, and perhaps she Brena would get pregnant with his child before this woman. The child would be illegitimate, but it would show that bitch that he wanted a family with her! Putting her plan together mentally she followed Sera into the complex.

  “What the hell were you thinking?! Bringing that whore here” Markus yelled throwing the cup of mead against the wall. “You have just gotten married. Isn’t it enough? You show great disrespect toward your wife” The older brother was absolute beside himself in rage. He already saw Sera as her dearest sister and his brother’s behavior was almost too much for him. Dominic didn’t seem moved by Markus as he leaned back in his chair. “What I do is really none of your concern, big brother. Sera is my wife, she belongs to me” he replied in a calm voice, almost wistful. “I can d
o as I please with her and with the whore I brought back with me. There is no law against it.” Markus ran his hand over his face and let out a long sigh. “It’s not right. You incur the wrath of the Great Builder on your head for betraying your vows to your wife” the older man reasoned. Dominic raised his eyebrows and suddenly started to laugh, it animated his whole body. “I had no idea you are a religious man, Brother. Perhaps you should have been a preacher instead of a warrior. Between the two of us I don’t believe in what the bishops say. They might think that there is something special about those stones they protect, and that they have some sort of natural magic from the planet. It’s a crock in my opinion. My wife is just a woman and women are weak. “Dominic stated and leaned forward a bit, a smile crossing his lips. “You might be fooled by that plain little dove you have in your bed, but I know better.” The older man knew he should blow up in anger at his younger brother, but he realized it would do not good. Such a jaded creature as Dominic would come to a bad end.

  4. Tempest

  The months to come were surprisingly quiet as Sera went about her womanly arts. She got up early and made sure her husband’s armor was polished and that the servants in the quarter they were staying was clean. When she wasn’t doing that she was using her given gifts as the healer of the complex. Soldiers, their families, servants, and slaves came to her for care. Her husband’s had gifted her with a room that was stalked with herbs, cloths, fresh water for washing, and other items needed. It kept her busy and got her the reputation of being a good person. Being busy kept her mind busy from the dishearten knowledge that she has not yet gotten pregnant with a child. Standing in her healing room she washed her hands with rose water and dried them off. Sera sighed softly and glanced out the small window into the side yard. She was already packed and ready for the trip to the Adonus Mountain Retreat. It was an old Sythian castle ruin that was now a beautiful retreat sight for the soldiers and their guests. It was one of the unusual phenomenon in the land. The old ruined castle had underground hot springs and reflective stone walls. Dominic had decided that he would take her there along with her servants to get her away from the hustle and bustle. Markus and the other men were coming as well for a whole different reason. The ruined castle had rumors of a legendary sword that was crafted together by the legendary human king and the former vampire sire. It was the sword that broke the stone of power into the pieces that are protected now. It was said to be the most powerful weapon in existence, but has gone missing over the centuries. Sera thought it was a nice trip and finished packing up her supplies. She could see out the window, Brena removing some sheets from a clothing line, but not without a painstakingly slow and bored look on her face. Since the day her husband had brought the young woman to the compound she has been a lazy and combatant. She couldn’t understand why the girl had agreed to be a servant when she clearly didn’t want to do it. Sera didn’t like the way the girl looked at her husband as well with a needy and possessive look. The healer wasn’t a jealous woman, but it made her uneasy. Naturally she wanted to send her packing, but she didn’t think Dominic would let her dismiss her when he went through all the trouble to bring her here. Shaking off her bad feelings she finished tying the bag closed and went down to where the horses were waiting. The servants had already packed everything they would need for the trip the night before and the horses and cart were saddled. Dominic was standing next to his horse and smiled at her, clad in his casual armor. “Good morning, my dear” he said smoothly and mounted the horse and offered his hand to her. She was dressed in a pink gown with breeches under it so she ride astride with him comfortably. The ruins were a three days ride from her home. They would be passing the Hall of Clothos, but she knew Dominic would not stop there. These long months the only contract with her sister she has had was in the bowl in her room, and her one visit when Amerus developed a cold and needed her healing aide. Getting on the behind her husband she slid her arms around his waist, nuzzling her face against the back of his cool armor. She grew to love him since they have married. To her he was a loving husband and only raised his hand to her once. Sera was not aware of his bloodlust and general lust, that secretly under her roof he was having sex with her new maid. Even if she had any inkling of it there was nothing she could have done about it. By law they were bound together till death or that he broke the marriage which was in his right. The group traveled during the day not running into any bandits who dared to cross the Golgothian Knights.

  The old castle itself was laid at the base of the Adonus Mountain. Two of the four sprawling towers had been destroyed and decayed over time. The stain glass windows were mostly broken or obstructed by plant life that took it over. The majority of the castle was habitable, but sections of it were blocked off due to its dangerousness. There was a man on a horse with escorts at his side. Dominic slid off the horse upon arrival and helped Sera down from the horse. She smiled at her husband hoping that perhaps the new setting would inspire them to have a child. Turning she felt her heart start to drop when she recognized Emrick coming toward them. She thought her blood turned to ice at the sight of him. The mean spirited boy hadn’t changed; he committed his devious acts unchecked under the crown of King Damon. Becoming the High Bishop of Golgoth he had thousands of devoted followers, and did his work in the name of the Great Building. He was known for his angelic face and fierce fanatic beliefs. She knew his true face from the experience she had during her time as a girl. Dressed in his long purple robe with gold on the trim he opened his arm in a welcoming way. “Welcome my children. The Great Builder himself has blessed your travels here. “He said and smiled at them, the hood placed on the top of his head. Emrick he had sheared off his hair, leaving him bald. The priest embraced Dominic briefly then turned and looked at Sera. “Ah, I am pleased to see you are well, my child. I see that the years have not obstructed your beauty and grace” he said lightly, but there was a flash of pure venom in his eyes. He embraced her briefly as he had her husband and turned toward the entrance. Sera knew that Emrick still was that horrible person he used to be, but now he was in power greater than the stone he was sworn to protect. As the High Bishop under the King he used his power not to protect the people, but to use the art of divination to aid the royal in battle strategy and petty things. After a moment led them into the old castle with a grand sweep of his robed arm. Sera along with her the others walked into the castle, except the servants who were unpacking the luggage. The entrance to the castle was covered with old tapestries that were faded and torn away. There were two stairs leading to a second floor. The reputation of the castle was made for a reason. Instead of stone walls like the grand buildings crafted by non-human hands, these walls were multi-colored, shining surfaces. The sunlight from the morning sun streamed through the broken windows, bouncing off the reflective surfaces in a dazzling array of colors. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the beautiful sights before her. Emrick was standing a few feet away watching her silently then he looked at Dominic. “I take it your lady will want to go up and rest, and then soak in the spring.” His words came out of his loudly, echoing off the walls. What he said next he said in a more quiet tone. “Captain, we have been here for four days and still no sign of the sword” he commented with a note of frustration. Sera was perplexed by this realizing that her rest and relaxation wasn’t the only reason they were here. This filled her with mixed emotions, but she didn’t say anything. Dominic nodded his head and looked at Sera. “Brena, take your lady upstairs. There is a room already set up for us” he said in a soft voice. She hadn’t realized her maid was there until he mentioned her name. Turning her head she realized that the girl had materialized at her side. The girl touched her arm and led her up the right stairs and took her down the hall. “You must be so tired, milady. You will be able to take your mind off the fact that you have not given your husband a child “she said lightly. The comment was most likely innocent, but it was a barb threaded in her heart. With grace she decided not to respond as she walk
ed down the hall, glancing at the tapestries that they passed the thread so faded the pictures were not distinguishable. A pair of double doors led to the room she would be staying with her husband. It was a large room with a four poster bed and an en-suite bathroom that was refurnished for visitors. Her bags had already been unpacked and the clothing put away. “Do you want to rest or go to the spring?” Brena asked with an air of impatience. Sera stood there for a moment in the center of the room and looked at her. “Go down to the spring” she replied though her legs sported a slight ache from riding. Brena nodded and led her back down the stone stairs. She was taken to an underground spring. The walls like the ones built in the castle were the reflective material covered the cavern. In the center was a clear font of water that filled almost the entire underground room. Turning she looked at Brena wondering if she was seeing the same beauty she was, but found that the girl was gone. Her brow knit as she looked around, but figured her servant wanted to give her privacy. Undressing she stared down at her reflection in the mirroring water and stepped inside. At first she was surprised that the water was warm, expecting it to be cold like the rest of the water in the land unless it was warmed up by fire. Lowering her body into the water she looked around the chambers. Sera felt her muscles relax as she let out a deep breath. The healer’s gaze drifted to the opposite wall she noticed a mural on the wall of a beautiful winged woman, holding a chalice with a symbol emblazoned on it. On closer inspection she realized the image was of a snake cannibalizing its own tail. For a long moment she stared straight at the mural that seemed to be perfectly kept unlike the other windows and tapestry, and despite the moist conditions. Finally she closed her eyes and drifted off into a light sleep. She didn’t know how much time passed when she finally opened her eyes again.