A Kiss of Darkness (Gothos Series) Page 7
Sera was not sure how much time had passed when she opened her eyes. The first thing she heard was a clanging and thumping noise. It struck her as odd since the place was so serene. Silently she rose from the bed, pushing the covers off her body. Getting up she tried to clear her head as she made her way to the door. The sound continued but then she realized it was voices yelling. Panic rose in her as she threw the door open and moved hastily down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs was the most horrible sight that she would never forget, even more shocking then the village. The Golgothian Knights stood with weapons pulled out. They had strung Argos up with his arms above his head, tied tightly by ropes hanging him from one of the high beams . He was bleeding profusely by his head and chest, the blood dripping down his stomach and onto the marble floor below. Her poor lover was on the edge of consciousness, his lips moving but no sound coming forth except a raspy sigh of pain. “You filthy creature! Did you think we wouldn’t find you?” The voice was of Emrick, standing at Captain Dominic’s side giving a toothy smile. Argos made no response to the taunting, his pain overwhelming all of his senses. Sera against her better judgment moved off the bottom step and let out a throaty cry. They all turned and looked at her standing there. Dominic’s face expressed absolute surprise at her being there. “Sera…how…”he whispered, his blue eyes fixed on her. Emrick didn’t look surprised at all, but gave her a look of triumph. “Don’t you understand, Captain? This witch has been colluding with him all this time. She has been the snake all along, the poison to your saintly being” he said, his voice rising in conviction. Dominic’s expression turned from bewilderment to pure, unadulterated rage. Markus was there as well looking absolutely caught off guard, his eyes flickering from Sera to his brother then back. Sera felt her whole body starting to shake under that look of anger from her husband. “Bitch” Dominic whispered from between his grit teeth. Turning he faced Argos strung up, one of his wings clearly broken. “You and this creature?! It seems fitting that you will watch your lover die” he told her in a tone of voice just teetering on the edge of insanity. Unsheathing his sword he raised it and brought it down on the top of Argo’s chest and slid it down to his navel, causing the Sythian to scream in agony. The blood poured all over the marble staining it a dark crimson. Sera wanted to go to Argo, to give him some sort of comfort but one of the other knights had grabbed her in a tight hold before she could move a single step. Dominic wasn’t look at her the whole time as he looked at his victim. “Any last words, you bastard?” the confident Captain asked as he grabbed Argo by the hair, pulling his face up to look at him. Argo battered and bloodied opened his golden eyes and looked past Dominic to where Sera stood. “Sera…” he whispered in a shaking voice, a single statement of long lasting love. This seemed to enrage the captain as he thrust his gauntlet covered hand into Argo’s bloody chest and pulled out his heart with a sickening squishing noise. Argos let out a shuddering breath and went still as a silent hush came over the room. Sera stared at the man she loved laying now dead, strung up like a piece of meat in the lauder, and then at the heart that lay in the man who was her husband holding it aloft like a prize. Dominic then dropped it to the ground and kicked it aside as if it was nothing at all. Sera’s sobs were deafening as she hunched over where she stood, still being held by her slender arms. Dominic finally gave her his undivided attention. “Emrick was right about you, but I didn’t want to see it. You’re a lying whore” he hissed and nodded to the man holding her to release her. Reaching his bloody hands out he grabbed her by her wrist he tossed her to the floor. She slid over the sticky marble being coated in blood of her former lover. “H..how?”she asked in a trembling voice, looking up at them. The question could have been to anything at the situation, but it was a query on how they got here. It was Emrick who laughed at her words “Do you think you are the only one who has figured out the secrets. That stone that lies around your neck is part of an evil stone that has been lost for centuries. You see I found a piece of it as well. I knew you are a sinful woman, but I never suspected you to be this wicked. I was told by your lawful husband that you took bathes for hours on end. Finding that strange I went to check on his complaint and I saw you going into the tunnel. At first I couldn’t figure out how you were doing it. For weeks I pondered on this, but then saw the shine of your stone. Finally it came to me that you were using that evil thing to get in. The Great Builder works in mysterious ways” he said with a satisfied smile. “Your god is a lie” Sera said coldly, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him. The first kick took her by surprise, her face forced to turn to the side. Feeling the splitting ache in her head she turned and looked at Dominic who was raising his foot to strike her again. “Blasphemous harlot” he spat out brought his foot down on her stomach, his heel digging into her side. Groaning in pain she looked up at him. The look in his eyes told her that he intended on killing her. His next stomp she felt a rib starting to snap, over and over he continued the assault. “FOR THE BUILDERS SAKE” Markus cried, unable to bare this any longer. Dominic stopped and looked at his older brother, his eyes wild with animalistic anger. “By the law you cannot kill your wife, no matter what she has done. We are not savages” Markus knew that if he tried to save his sister-in law he might get accused of the crime of adultery. “At least banish her for her crimes against you” he pleaded his case. His words seemed to sober his brother up a bit. Dominic looked down at the bleeding woman at his feet and slid a bloodied hand through his black hair. “You are right…as usual. Bundle her up and put her on my horse “he commanded giving a sidelong look at two of his brethren in arms. Sera groaned as she felt herself lifted from the floor and carried out of the room before losing consciousness. In her passed out state she was wrapped in a blanket and placed onto the back of Dominic’s chargers. Dominic felt numb as he started off toward the Southern Territory the victory he wanted to feel was stolen away by her. Sliding the back of his hand against his face he felt the cool metal against his skin, his eyes narrowing. He would do away with her and reassure himself as a man.Upon arriving he got off his horse and picked up the bleeding and battered body of his wife and laid her in the sand. “You are nothing to me now. You might have been part of the protectors, but that no longer matters. You will die out here in the desert. This is your payment for your betrayal. “He said softly, bent over her. Standing up he once again mounted his horse and left her to die in the hot and dry conditions, not giving her a second thought.
6. Resurrection
The sand rolled along her bare legs and arms on a hot wind. The heat seared her skin like a subtle burn. She tried to breath but her throat hurt from lack of moisture. Wounded from the vicious beating she endured at the hands of the captain left her emotionally and physically in pain. The injuries kept her from moving very much. Closing her eyes to keep the sand out of them she let out a strangled cry. There seemed to be no salvation for her in this fiery wasteland she had been left. Sera laid there contemplating how she got to this place. Her sister had warned her over and over that her fate would meet unhappiness, but she did not listen. Cursing her stubbornness she felt that she was reason her dear Argos was dead, his heart laying discarded on the floor of the room they once shared such joy in. Letting out a deep breath as she groaned softly, shutting her eyes for another moment with brow knit. Every muscle in her body ached as she moved her arms and legs slightly, but was met with great resistance. Footsteps hissed in the sand and a long shadow overcast her. Shaking she tried to blink away the sand clinging to her eyelashes as she raised her head off the ground meagerly to see who it was, rescuer or executioner. Before her stood a man wearing a turban and heavy clothing, his face half hidden by a scarf. Sera was still too weak from the brutal attack by Dominic that she knew if he tried to harm her she would be unable to defend herself. With the last of her strength she raised her shaking hands to her face. Two strong hands picked her up and throw her over his shoulder carrying her away. Sera shut her eyes tightly to keep the piecing s
un out of her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the person who was taking her from her sandy fate.
Sera felt her world turning once again when she was taken to a large nomadic village. The flurry of white tents and fire pits, the scent of cooking food and burning wood filled her nose. Camels and horses made animal noises, mingled with conversations going on around her. She wasn’t sure if this was her salvation or worst her terrible demise. The rumors of the cut throat nomads made her fearful that she was going to be sold as a slave or even worst, eaten. She was carried through the village to a tent and out of the blistering sun. The person who had taken her out of the dry oasis laid her carefully down on an elk skinned cot. Sera tried to blink away the sand and turned her head, seeing the simple gowns of two women standing by a hearth in the center of the tent. The tall figure that had brought her there had turned and retreated from the tent. One of the women that were older looked at Sera laying on the cot. “There, there you have been badly injured, but we will take care of you. Don’t try to move” the elderly woman said tenderly. Both women were clad in simple brown robes; their hair was covered by the hood. Their skin was tanned from the harsh conditions they lived in. Neither of them looked like the savages that she heard so much about. The stories she could already tell were clear embellishments. The elder woman carefully removed Sera’s clothing well the younger boiled water and prepared healing ointment. As a healer she knew that their first concern was her health before finding out who she is. Laying still she allowed her eyes to flutter closed for moments at a time. The eldest woman named Magda wiped the wounds on the girl’s body and shook her head, a frown furrowing her brow. “The poor thing, left out to die in the desert. It’s a miracle our lord found her before the vultures got to her” she remarked with the sound of indignant disapproval. The younger woman looked at her mother then down at the sleeping girl as she brought the small bowl of ointment made from crushed herbs over. The young woman Liza looked at the young woman who was beaten and bruised with a feeling of wonderment. No one she has heard of has survived the harsh climate of the desert. That was except their lord of course. Their nomadic tribe has moved from place to place for centuries. It was said that the tribe was men and women from the once great city who left during the breakdown of their doomed society, and fled the war that would result of it. Seen as cowards and outcasts they moved from place to place to avoid the clashes between the Sythians and humans. After generations when the Great War had ended their decedents continued to travel as their ancestors had. It was fourty-three years ago that a young babe was found in the desert just like this girl had. Seen as a sign from the Goddess of Night, Habera the nomads had taken in this child and raised him among their people. As he grew it was clear that he was gifted and talented when it came to combat. He proved himself when he went out into the desert and slayed the great Eberset, the desert snake that roamed in the ancient cave of the Shadowla. The Eberset was known for attacking caravans that adventured through the desert. Its sharp spikes would cut through the sand, the orange scale sleek enough that it would roll off its back. It would come up from the sand and consume the weary travelers. The treasure would be taken back to the great underground cave as its bounty. The young man who had come to be raised in the village swore that he would hunt down the dragon and put a stop to its bloody onslaught. It is said that tracked the beast to its cave and using only a spear and a shield made from the elder of the tribe he slew the beast and took the monster’s eyes as proof. Returning to the village he was baptized and renamed, Cabel. Lord Cabel had become the leader of the tribe and considered lord of the Southern territory. Cabel married the daughter of the village elder and stayed loyal to her until she died on her sickbed. He was a good and honest man who protected his people, but he was known to be abrasive at the best of times. It was Cabel who found the young woman laid out in the sand, prepared for death to come to her. Instead of letting her perish he took her back to the village.
Magda saw this as fate that brought this girl here. After wrapping the wounds with great care she draped Sera with a blanket. Giving a nod to her daughter, Liza she directed her out of the hut to let the strange girl get some rest. “How is she doing?” the soft, smooth voice of their leader asked, his arms crossed over his bare chest. He was clad in leather breeches and protective leggings. His long white blond hair fell down his back in a loose ponytail. In rest he wore no protective armor due to the heat of the desert. “She will recover from the wounds that had been inflicted on her. Someone had done quite a number on her, and left her to die. A great cruelty I must say. “She shook her head, unable to believe that any human being would do such a thing on another. It seemed absolutely inconceivable to her. Cabel frowned deeply and stared at the other woman with his green-blue eyes. “You would be surprised how corrupt human beings can be. This girl I have a feeling was put in our charge for a reason, though it is unclear now” he commented briefly and walked to the entrance of the tent. Sliding two fingers between the seams he looked in at the woman lying on the cot resting. For a long moment he just gazed at the beautiful woman lying wrapped in a blanket, her head tilted to the side slightly. The side of her face was sporting a blackened bruise and her lips were slightly swollen. Angel or demon he would find out who she really is and what role she played in his destiny if any at all. Backing away he let the flap fall naturally and looked at the old woman. “Tell me if there is any change in the girl” he commanded and walked away.
“Lady Sera…Lady Sera” a voice, a familiar voice was calling her name bringing her back to the living world. She opened her eyes and saw the face of Marie standing over her, stroking her face lightly. Dominic had dismissed Marie when Brena was brought back from his campaign. No one knew what happened to her, but it was clear that she had come to live with the nomads after her dismissal. Sera felt unsure how much time had passed since had been brought to this place. “Marie…I am so glad to see you” she croaked out softly. The girl had been sweet and kind when she had come to the complex. Newly married and brought to the complex, Marie had made her feel comfortable. It was a difficult day when Marie was sent to the high road. It warmed her heart to see her to find her servant safe and healthy. “How is it that you came here, Marie?” Sera asked, feeling drowsy but in less pain then was before. Marie smiled and took her lady’s hand gently. “I came here after Captain Dominic turned me out. I wandered for some time till I saw a traveling bazaar. I went to see their wares when I realized too late that they were slavers. I was captured by them and taken across the desert. I thought that it would be the end of me. I was brought to this village and the lord of the nomads who abhors slavery slew the slavers and freed me, along with the other slaves. I have been here ever since, a free woman.” She relayed the tale. “You must have been terrified” Sera said with a concerned frown. “It is nothing compared to the pain you have suffered, my lady” she replied.
“How is she feeling?” a voice spoke from behind Marie. The young maid turned and perked up looking at the man standing calmly at the flap of the tent. “She seems to be recovering quite well my lord, Cabel” Magda replied easily, before Marie could chime in excitedly. Cabel’s eyes were fixed on Sera who tried to sit up, holding the blanket against her chest. “Don’t try to sit up. Your wounds are too great. Tell me who are you and where you came from” he told her in an even tone of voice. Marie was bustling to answer these questions, moving from toes to heel. Cabel paid her no mind as he watched the woman sitting on the cot. Straightening up stubbornly holding the blanket firm against her bare chest, her eyes fixed on this enigmatic figure standing by fire light. “My name is Sera, the protector of the stone of healing.” She told him raising her head high. No matter what Dominic did to her she still had that title that not even the king of the land could take away from her. “A stone protector? How can this be that one of the great ones was left for dead in the desert?” he told her skeptically. Affronted by his tone she frowned deeply. “I will tell you my story, but not with everyone stan
ding here. It is my story to tell and since you saved me I owe you answers.” She replied tersely. This strong yet bruised woman intrigued Cabel. After a long moment he looked at the others and nodded his head. “Leave us. I would like to hear this tale the young woman has to weave.” he said with a slight smile playing on his lips. He didn’t believe that a protector of the great stones would be cast out here. Cabel figured that she was some girl afraid for her life and spinning tall tales. The others left the room leaving the two staring at each other silently. “Well what brought you to this place?” he asked calmly. Sera let out a sigh and proceeded to explain how she came to meet and marry Dominic, about Argos and both she and the Sythian prince met a grizzly fate. Cabel had stood there listening silently to her story feeling lured into her tale then fueled with silent outrage. He heard rumors of the cruel acts that went on behind the walls of the great city and by the Captain of the Golgothian Knights, but for a woman of high birth to be treated with such inconsideration and cruelty was unimaginable. If a wife in his tribe betrayed her husband she would be set free from the bond holding them as would a man in the same situation. An unhappy woman was not a productive woman. The female being was not an object, but an equal helpmate in the role of society. “You have been through much. You need to rest for now. Then we will talk again” he commented and left her to rest.